Smart financial life

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I had quitted smoking For 5.5 years completely.
1.Have you planned to
Quit smoking from the 1st day of New year ?
2.New year Resolution was..Quit smoking?
3.Want to Quit smoking From Valentine day,
(14 February) .?
4.Have you said I will not Smoke from 1st of February.
5.Then you said,You will Not smoke from Starting of new financial year.
But still on current date You keep continuing to Smoke ciggerates?
..Each and every month You decide a date to quit Smoking,
Then infact after quitting for few hours.
You start again?
In some cases after Not Smoking for few days You start again Smoking!?
In some extreme cases Some people don't smoke Infact a month.
Then start again.
And few even start smoking after leaving ciggerate,s even after 3 months and 6 months also.
And in many special Cases even I have Listened, many people Start smoking even after Not smoking for years.
No matter whatever is your case?
If you come under above categories.
Then this blog's content as well as video,s are surely designed for you.
100% You will quit Smoking/Drinking!! Wanna quit?
Then first watch @above attached video 1st, if haven't watched till Now....then subsequently go through The Rest contents of this blog.
Every body want to get succeed in life!
Absolutely right.
Our success get determined by what we Do in our day to day life.
And most importantly our Habits play a vital role in our success and lifestyle.
Good habits help in building healthy life And contribute in success.
While Bad habits contradictory Diminish chances of success and healty Lifestyle.
Few Bad habits/Addictions influence our lifestyle and success drastically.
1.Smoking Ciggeretts/Bidi,s.
2 .Gaanja.
3.Drinking alcohol.
4.Drug consumption.
5.Some harmful medicine/injections corex& drug injections etc.
6.Intaking anything more than needed Also comes in addiction.
And some pepole comume tea/coffee More than it,s actually have to be.
Then it,s also get considered as Addiction.
(But light addiction,not much serious).
Now days such habits known as style statement.
But in reality these habits are lifestyle and personality disruptors.
And lot,s more.
You can count on finger tips.
Increase your chances of suCcess by quit smoking more than 90% After attending this session.1.Day by day lifestyle measure for 15 days.
And more importantly coming out of These addicted habits are much more difficult.
Than actually it seems.
If you ask yourself honestly ...Ask How many times you have tried to come out of these addicted habits...and I am sure most of time you get failed.
Smokers easily spoils lot of money on Smoking..
And end of month because of Smoking/Drinking they found Themselves in huge Money crisis?
Do you Want to know the answer ?
Why you do not become successful in Coming out of such habits.?
How you can come out of these habits Easily and can save huge some of Money as well as Your health& life Style.
I organized A 7days(a week) Course/Seminar to Come out of Any sort of Addiction Easily.
And such facilities,I could make available as per customise request & Requirement also.
With proven track records.(Various Strategies & methodologies).
Which surely will help you to quit smoking and build Health,wealth,and live healthy lifestyle.
I am sure Which will become major cause of your happiness.
And differentiate you from rest.
And Make your New life,Happy Healthy and Beautiful.
Rules to quit smoking.
1.Decide a particular Date,Since when You will not smoke ciggerate anymore.
From current date this date at least should be minimum 10 days,For away and maximum 20 days.
Suppose today is 15 th February 2022,
You pick any date between 25 th February to 5 March.
Whatever date you will chose that will be Your Traction date.
From traction date you will Quit smoking.
Now you will be thinking,what you will do prior than traction date.
Just have patience,I will tell you,what you will do in these 15-20 days prior than traction date.
These 10-20 days is like Probation period(Honey moon) period.
Where there will be a bit liberty & softness to learn and make yourself strong and patienceful.
Means in initial 7 days,your target is to consume,less than half quantity of ciggerates which you generally consume.
Suppose you consume daily 15 ciggerates in 24 hours(a full day) time interval.
Then in these initial 7 days (Each & every day you will consume less than 7 ciggerates.
Note down here I am saying less than 7, not 7. means you can consume maximum 6 ciggerate for a week of 7 days.
Then Next 5 days Your ciggerate smoking quantity should be Half of what ever you were consuming in 1st 7 days.
Means if in initial 7 days you were consuming 6 ciggerates perday.
Then in these 5 days on daily basis you can consume maximum 3 ciggerates.
In next 3 Days You should not consume any ciggerate.
In extreme case you can consume maximum 1 ciggerate,
In very extreme cases you can take few puffs of another ciggerates.
But make sure ,you will not consume full ciggerate.
Rest What you have to do,I will tell later.
2.Try&Fail strategy.
This is sort of warm up session/Practice match prior than any very important Match.
Suppose Today is 15 th,of February,And you chose your Traction date,30 th February.
Then In these 15 days time , prior than traction date you have some sort of liberty.
Means in these 15 days,few time,you will get failed to maintain your commitment,s ! That,s ok.
Try and fail but never fail to try.
That,s why it,s known as Honeymoon Period(Probation period) where you will get lot of chances to commit mistake and reform them.
Without any tought reprim@nd.
3.Dont take substitute for ciggerates:
After you have crossed try&Fail session successfully.
Now you have reached a stage,Where You have reached in Category of Non Smoker.
Real Story & Examination actually start from here.
Because prior than reaching you were at least consuming few sticks of ciggerates.
From here Following strategy strictly you have to apply to have your self smoke free.
Above strategy you have to implement & Follow just for 45 days.
4.Start consuming plenty of water
Every day,But not more than 6 liters.
As few time more water intake also produce chemical in body.
Especially in smokers body.
5.Engage yourself in some Physical exercise.
Like , Joining some health club daily minimum for 30 minutes, Maximum time you can allocate as per your time availability & interest.
You can also chose to go for morning walk for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
You can involve light exercise schedule for 30 minutes to 1 hour also at your home.
6.Yoga & mediation can be one of most suitable alternative of it also.
7.Dont take any substitute of ciggerates.
Even though if required some time tea/coffee you can take.
8.Avoid much consumption of Tea/coffee,and rest substances & drinks which consists nicotine & caffeine.
9.Much focus on Time management.
10.Involve God's prayer in your daily Routine.
11.Drink as much as possible fiber liquids like Mausami,sugarcane,Beat,carrot and rest fruit juices.
12.Eat in small amounts,instead consume your food in multiple attempts.
Guaranteed success.
Enhance Your chances to quit Smoking/Drinking
Or any sort of addiction get enhanced After this training 85-90% More.
In Most of cases chances are More
than 90%.
You will Quit/Comeout of smoking/Drinking or Any addiction in comparison to any other method tacts you compasses to overcome from such habits.
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Pls send me details one of my friend want to come out of this smoking habit...