Smart financial life

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WHO(World health organization) Logo change #

 World Health   organization

&It,s Future.


World health organization,s way of working surely need a vital Transformation.

If this Global Body Really need to Maintain it's Existence of a Global trusted Health& wellness body .

And it's objective as Global Health body.

Otherwise countries seperate their way As Recently US has seperated itself from it,s major involvement in WHO Functionality.

 I don't Think as a Global Responsible country for Global wellness..

It Was a welcomeful decision.

But surely every Country has right to Think what's Right for them and act Accordingly.

ConnecT with

Englishwell India

WHO(World health organization).
WHO is a Acronym of World health organization.
And work under United Nations Flagship.
WHO established in 1948,and initially it was assigned to take responsibility of Malaria,TB(Tuberculosis) and few more Complicated diseases.
Along with above disease,WHO was Much focusing on Women & children Health, maternity and sanitation on larger scale.

The Sole Aim behind the establishment Of WHO was to establish corrdination Between different countries to provide Standard health practices.
And help various countries and their National Health bodies to care of their Pepole,s health in appropriate way.

The Prime sole Aim of WHO was to Tackle health emergencies,and Coordinate transparently and Effectively to the Global health Emergencies and it,s solutions along With  globe and it,s pepole on wider Scale.

Via  having involved in research and Investigation...of various harmful Diseases and issuing health bulletin 

Time to time for upgrading massess
And alert them to comeout from any Such challeges.
And suggest Required majors & and provide as much as possible assistance by their affliate organization and bodies.

From any such outbreak.
Corrdinating across globe and present Most uniform and effective solution to World.

Currently almost approx 10000 no. Of Pepole of globe from different Territories are working with WHO(World health organization) to Make world a safe place to live.

But some How it seems WHO get Diverted from it,s basic objective( Protect world from emergencies,and Make Globe a cool and safe place to live).

It seems WHO is instead of being a Transparent and global body,it,s also Get much influenced by regionalism.

Recently Few powerful countries Denied to either coordinate with WHO Or don't follow their issuance on Health And wellness.

WHO logo which is Just a United Nations logo.

Need a Transformation.

Which should witness it,s objective and core Messages.

Such  International body who is Working for making postive health Changes.

And Most Importantly WHO is a Body which is responsible for Tackling All sort of disease in Human body as well as Rest species of universe.

By putting such a logo they are making clear to world their prime objective.

They are dedicated to only on larger scale to few kind of emergencies.

Which is their foremost priority.

 Their Logo is from nowhere justifiable to such a international body who claim they are All in one International body to tackle all health related contingencies.

If you conduct survey more than 95% Population will support it,s re-engineering and transformation.

All sort of Endangered Species and their all possible remedies need to get covered under...It.

Research and innovation should be prime objective it too.

Recent Endangered epidemic "Corona "

We have noticed WHO's very limited Role.

Mostly countries fight this epidemic by their own 

In coordination with their friendly countries.

( No matter whatever logic WHO gives In favour of it,s reasoning).

#WHO (World health organization).        #WHO Should change their Logo#.
Instead of " Snake" in its,Logo it need to have  #Ambulance..etc
If Agree support this Movement and WHO will be Eyeopener to change this with World wellfareness.

Because it,s spreading negativity via This, because across globe Snake is a Dangerous species and Most of people Don't even like to see it,What message WHO is trying to convey globally.
Instead any thing will Spread always available to help Time of need to prosper health of Massess.

spread this awareness by sharing this message so Much that WHO will be forced to change it Immediately. immediately.

Conclusion:-By having in mind Global health & wellness, such a health conscious global organization like WHO

Should Re invent their logo..which represent one Health body responsible as Whole remedy of Humanity and Whole ecosystem..and it,s species.

1000,s of desises to 1000's of species of Bio atmosphere need to get covered.

By First 1st glimpse of it,s logo.

Creativity along with higher vision of Global vision make it easy to communicate it,s core message to Globe and it,s species.

Like Ambulance with doctors.... patients including Global map..

Something like that should be ideal choice.

For any enquries/clarification reach us on

Rajesh kumar



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