Englishwell india
1.English learning.
2.Retail Management training.
3.Insurance advisor training.
As For as Brand is Business/is concerned.
Brand is Business
It is an online Consumer Durable,Consumer Electronics,Shoes,Lifestyle Products,Equitty&Insurance selling platform.
Rajesh kumar
Mob: 9455414018.
Smart financial life I s all About smart Decisions On right time. ConnecT with Brand Is Business When it comes to manage our finances then. What's best most available options. 1.Real estate/Property investment. 2.Investment in assets which can produce good returns. 3.Future technology investment. 4.Precious metals:Gold/silver. 5.stock/Bonds/Mutual funds. 6.Investing in startups. And many more opportunities like this.. But 1Thing which is most important than above all theses. Rajesh kumar That is What? Of course it is insurance. Now you would be thinking why Insurance? Just Remember every money earning opportunity carry risk with Themselves. And when we talk about insurance. Insurance itself means protection of Asset/wealth, individual & family From unexpected events. "Insurance is a form of protection From financial losses."In any Unexpected event. Along with your and your Asset/Money protection ...
In our day to day life,having ourselves Healthy and fit is prime priority now Days.
Because when we will be healthy,then only We can be happy, irrespective of Various day to day pressure and tentionful moments of life.
Because pressure, tention are natural Form of our day to day life style.
It has been observed!Daily Sun light Exposure at particular time is very Beneficial to fight and remain healthy From corona virus.
Start from when we wake up in the Morning Till we goes to bed In night for Having a Tight sleep after whole days Work.
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What we accomplished,what we have Achieved,and what we will achive in future,and what we get out of it Mostly depend on our health.
Once achieved health mission...then Next Priorities come forward.
Since morning ,start from, Jogging, Exercising,and intaking right foods, Minirals,and liquid how our body will work and behave as per our intake to It.
In consequences of What we do and what we intake in our diet/food.
Various minerals and substances which Includes various vitamins, proteins,and Minerals.
Which strengthen,and Operate our Body and protect it from various Diseases.
And help us successfully enjoy a Health And happy life.
For our healthy Body and brain, Following substances Required on priority basis to Strengthen and protect our body on day To day basis.
1.Potasium 2.Phosphorus.
3.Iron 4.sodium 5.Florine 6.Iodine
1.Pottasium :-Help us in muscle Wellness and paralysis.
2.Phosphorus:-Phosphorus protects bad Bones,teeths,and body weakness.
3.Iron: difficiency of Iron is prime Reason of Anemia.
4.Flourine: Florine helps in protecting dental problems.
5.Iodine: difficiency of Iodine is reson For Goiter disease.
6.Calcium: Calcium is very essential for Bone formation and protection.
These Substances and Minerals body Gets from various food & Fruits intake.
In some extreme difficiency ...Alopathetic and homeopathy Medication and capsules get consumed To fullfill the difficiency.
Various Vitamins and sources of these Vitamins also carry above substances.
Vitamins are also very essential for Proper functioning of Health.
Following are major Vitamins,and their Sources.
And in absence of these vitamins and Minerals following possible diseases could Harm our health and body.
Vitamin A: Vitamin A help us to have Healthy teeth,soft skin,strong bones,etc.
Vitamin B12,B6,B1,B2,etc.
Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine is its major Component, vitamin C help in Formation of red blood cells and help Maintaining appropriate Brain Function.
Vitamin B1:In dissipate risk of infection And Auto immunity.
Vitamin C:source,Milk,egg,cereals,etc... Difficiency of vitamin c is major Reason Of Disease Rickets.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is known as sun Shine vitamin,it revived from sun light.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an Antioxidant,which help in destroying Free radicals of body.
Vitamin E help in protecting from Cancer.,for boosting immunity in the Body and prevention from clotting.
Vitamin E souces are:White germ oil, Broccoli,Mango,Almond,etc.
We have to include all above in our diet to Fullfill ourselves from vitamin E Difficiency.
For diagnosis or protect ourselves from various diseases which take Place from difficiency of vitamin E.
Lack of vitamin E major diseases which Could occur are: Nerve or muscle Damage etc
Vitamin K: Vitamin K required for Proper blood functioning(clotting)
Vitamin K Major sources are'Green leafy vegetables..and soyabean.
Vitamin K is also considered in Medication society as Blood thinner Medication.
Life Leads nowhere Infact you are Healthy?
Along with health...For making wealth.
Knowledge is Power.
Educate yourself to be powerful.
There are two types of vitamins.
Soluble vitamins and non soluble Vitamins.
Soluble vitamins are A,D,E,K.
They are present in foods containing Fats.
There are water soluble as well as fat Soluble vitamins.
Water soluble vitamins are known as Vitamin B & Vitamin C.
Vitamin D is known as sunshine
How To protect ourselves and Near dear once from Corona (Covid 19)/ &Rest from other viral infected diseases.
1.Wear mask regularly.
Make sure Mask should cover your Nose & Mouth completely.
2.Prefer to wear N95 Mask,It,s most Effective in mid of all available masks In market.
3.Take care of sanitization on regular Basis.
4.Wash your hand and face every time with good quality soap or other Medicated sanitized liquid.
5.Change masks if you are using it most Frequently for sneezing & coughing.
6.Do breathing exercises like Yoga...Surya namaskar etc regularly.
7.Always maintain 6 feet distance from Rest Pepole of family as well as from Visitors.
8.Dont forget to take both dose of Vaccination.
9.After gathering either inside or Outside don't forget to do sanitation.
Of room/Floor along with rest Amenities present at venue/Room.
10.Take bath regularly ( Prefer to take Bath from mild hot water).
11.Take in food & diet green leaves leafy vegetables.
12.Consume green tea twice or trice in Day.
13.Prefer daily morning/Evening walk At least 15 minute in green grass Surrounding.
14.And more importantly take help of your doctor's if you feel need of it.
15.Take your medicine regularly if your Doctor prescribed it.
16.After a continuous regular interval Go for NT PCR test,to know the current Status of yourself.
All the best take care of yourself and your loved once.
Sun light,s Role to maintain our Health & Happiness.
In our day to day life,Most of us daily Intake some quantity of sunlight for Our body ,with the production of vitamin D which get produced in the Body.it,s Really hard to fullfill need of vitamin D From other sources beyond Sun light.
Lot of Pepole think in absense of sunlight various products and substances can fullfill the need of sunlight.
Like various other medicines in any forms like Homeopathy, Ayurvedic and Alopathetic.
But the fact in sunlight,s requirement Only sunlight can fullfill.
Rest substitute are just a formality and Abruptly not that useful as sunlight Itself.
COuld vitamin D help the body to fight And control coronavirus symptoms?
Smart financial life I s all About smart Decisions On right time. ConnecT with Brand Is Business When it comes to manage our finances then. What's best most available options. 1.Real estate/Property investment. 2.Investment in assets which can produce good returns. 3.Future technology investment. 4.Precious metals:Gold/silver. 5.stock/Bonds/Mutual funds. 6.Investing in startups. And many more opportunities like this.. But 1Thing which is most important than above all theses. Rajesh kumar That is What? Of course it is insurance. Now you would be thinking why Insurance? Just Remember every money earning opportunity carry risk with Themselves. And when we talk about insurance. Insurance itself means protection of Asset/wealth, individual & family From unexpected events. "Insurance is a form of protection From financial losses."In any Unexpected event. Along with your and your Asset/Money protection ...
Englishwell India englishwellindia.blogspot.com ConnecT with Englishwell India ENGLISHWELL INDIA Englishwell India,s basic objective is to Improve those people,s skill set. Who are just for earning their bread & Butter are working somewhere ,but Because of lackness in their Skill set Either soft skill set or hard skill set,they Are not growing. Englishwell India. on YouTube. Introducing Englishwell India. It is sort of communication gap most Frequent Below poverty line massess. Removing those barriers just because Of which you were not enough Privileged to get good education and Atmosphere. Which still following you and coming In your way of growth. Englishwell india,s prime objective is to Remove these lackness,these past Weakness in skillset and training. Which is not letting you be Rich & Successful. Because it was not your mistake to Have born in poor family & culture. As Bill gates sir has said: If you born poor it,s not your problem. But if you die poor,it...
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