Gayatri Mantra & it,s Significance.
Power and significance of Gayatri
Mantra is equivalent to OM.
From some has got Discovered.
The Author of Gayatri Mantra is Vishwamitra ji..
Which is Also Author of Mandala3 of Rigveda.
Vedsa,s are real life .
For understanding above line you have to Deep drive in depth of Veda.
By reading,analysing and Feeling Real Nuances of Sprituality explicit in Veda& Purana.
Gayatri Mantra is also get consider as Representative of Surya dev.
And Brahma Gayatri mantra is Dedicated To Gayatri Devi which is a form of Consortium to Sri Vishnu Ji.
Nature's Devotion,Spritual evolution And protection,s Festival is known as Navratra in Hindu Dharma.
Meditation of nature's internal Structure,Evolution of ourselves &natures internal relation along with Internal& external lookout of our heart vibes and surrender ourself in lap of God(OM),that is our internal vice which Redirect our all course of action,s of life.
Who understands the real nuances of Above they know Navratra as festival of Nature's Devotion, Spritual evolution And nature,s protection.
In Environmental balance mountain King Himalaya has major role.
This mountain controls not only Weather,along with weather it,s Central powerhouse of managing global Atmosphere also.
Only for endorsing Himalaya,s this national & International importance.
In Gayatri mantra,s nine words consists 9 super powerful aspects.
Which if we Evolutionise then we will Found that Nature's protection & Spritual evolution,s truth get cleared Easily.
Mantra is just a way of expressing our care and gratitude to invisible divine power.
To show way or enlighten our path for healthy and happy life.
When read,s really tough to understand real meaning of each and every Mantra.
Bcz some Mantra,s real meaning can get understand...either by through some sources which clearly vindicate the narrative behind the theme of words.
As for as gayatri mantra is concerned...
It explicit devi durga,s nine swaroopa,s.
Which can easily understand like....
Prathamam shailputri.
Dutiyam Bramhcharini.
Tritiyam chandra ghanta.
Kushmandati chaturthakam.
Pancham skandmateti.
Shastham katyayni,ch.
Saptam kalratri,s.
Mahagauri,t chastamam.
Navmam navdurga prakirtitah.
Gayatri mantra,s 24 letters are are devoted 24 powers of universe.... Including earth,moon,sky sun,Air,Fire,water...etc.
As Lord shankra said in Durga saptshati.../Rigveda..
During mantra Jaap it,s not neither possible not required to know the meaning of whole manta.
Only you have to read it by focusing on that power/Devi/God to whom by Having in center you are reading Mantra/chanting.
And should get avoided Multiple thoughts coming/Going in Mind.
And for What objective these mantras Are chanting get achieved.
Mantra,s sources are Vedas,s.
4 veda,s constitute...most of all Divine...words of all shakti,s.
What Chanting/Mantra/Shloka,s
Do in our well being.
1.Increase Engagement/involvement.
2.Indulge Peace in life.
4.Confidence building.
5.Spritual mindset.
7. Body Mind& Soul automatically get Alligned for higher purpose.
8. Undivided faith...What ever we are trying to do ..will get accomplished.
9. Everything seems possible.
10. Negative power of universe changes their path/Remove automatically distractions from life.
+Many more like this.
It,s said by devotees experience who chant Gayatri Mantra 7 times daily..
His life become peaceful and divine.
And all negative powers change their way and get diverted.
...All difficulties become opportunities for devotees of Gayatri mantra.
24 letters of Gayatri Mantra are existence of 24 superficial powers of Universe.
This Mantra whole essence is combination of Yajurveda & Rigveda.
Gayatri Mantra is Also Known as. Savitri Mantra.
More Importantly this Mantra is effective in all time and kala.
You can chant it by establishing in Dhayana at any time.
But Morning & evening is Ideal for praying & Chanting it.
It,s Impact are universal... irrespective of time period.
All period produce superficial results to it,s devotees.
Only Thing that matter...Your Dhayana ability and focus to connect that invisible power for connecting to whom You are Chanting Gayatri or Savitri Mantra.
How is Gayatri Mantra is Different from other Mantra,s/Shloka,s.
It,s really very Tought questions bcz in crore of Mantra/Shloka...
Choosing a particular one.
Bcz most of Mantra,s have significant importance.
These have importance that's why, are part of Veda/Purana/epic etc.
Actually here opinion can be different.
I am trying to convince you through an example.
Let's Take example of a Mobile.
Just put in mind few premium mobile maker companies.
For Example Xiaomi,Apple, Samsung,vivo, Lenovo, and many more like that.
And each company has diversified Range of mobile phone in their gamut.
Let says Top 10 mobile companies collectively produce 500 no of distintct model of mobile.
And chosing particular 1 mobile is really very tought task.
By considering various pros& cons
And premierity,costing , location..
It would not be much tought to sortout best handset...As for as material things& Business is Concerned.
But when it comes to sprituality.
It,s become much harder to distinguish ...
Which is best Mantra.
But surely there are ways to Identify ....
Exception and matter of partial convention are always available.
But in General....It can get identify & accept. By it,s user.
By their experience and profit in term of well-being and their desire to chant manta/Shloka for achieving some specific purpose.
If their pupose get fullfilled and they ll get benifited from it....
Their faith & desire automatically get enhanced their own.
They ll surely start accepting and following it.
Few other factors also could be favour as well as in opposition to it.
It,s easiness & difficulty level to chant it.
It,s availability.
It,s follower.
And of course endorsement/Branding.
.....a Question emerge here also..
Might be few other Mantra s /Shloka,s exist which is much more powerful & superficial impact it have in form of power& energy.
Surely it,s possible.
But As I have said earlier ....many above said factors influence it.
So as for as vedic& spritual world are concerned.
What profit massess easily ....Get followed by huge chunk of massess.
And it,s get followed bcz it help them to overcome their life's challenges.
And help in living Healthy ,happy and peaceful life.
Would get considered as best
Start from when we wake up in the Morning Till we goes to bed In night for Having a Tight sleep after whole days Work.
What we accomplished,what we have Achieved,and what we will achive in future,and what we get out of it Mostly depend on our health& our mental stimulation.
Gayatri mantra along with few other Mantra also help in achieving above said objective.
Once achieved health mission...then Next Priorities come forward is What?
Ofcourse Mental comfort & peace.
Since morning ,start from, Jogging, Exercising,and intaking right foods, Minirals,and liquid how our body will work and behave as per our intake to It.
+Having undiveded faith in Spirituality (Faith in God).
Life will become bed of roses.
Have a great Day.
Have a Great day Ahead.
Om namah shivaya.
Rajesh Kumar.
For Englishwell India.
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