
Showing posts from November, 2021

Smart financial life

  Smart financial life  I s all About smart Decisions On right time.   ConnecT with    Brand Is Business When it comes to manage our finances then. What's best most available options. 1.Real estate/Property investment. 2.Investment in assets which can produce good returns. 3.Future technology investment. 4.Precious metals:Gold/silver. 5.stock/Bonds/Mutual funds. 6.Investing in startups. And many more opportunities like this.. But 1Thing which is most important than above all theses.               Rajesh kumar That is What? Of course it is insurance. Now you would be thinking why Insurance? Just Remember every money earning opportunity carry risk with Themselves. And  when we talk about insurance. Insurance itself means protection of Asset/wealth, individual & family From unexpected events. "Insurance is a form of protection From financial losses."In any Unexpected event. Along with your and your Asset/Money protection ...

WHO(World health organization) Logo change #

  World Health   organization & It,s Future.         (WHO) World health organization,s way of working surely need a vital Transformation. If this Global Body Really need to Maintain it's Existence of a Global trusted Health& wellness body . And it's objective as Global Health body. Otherwise countries seperate their way As Recently US has seperated itself from it,s major involvement in WHO Functionality.  I don't Think as a Global Responsible country for Global wellness.. It Was a welcomeful decision. But surely every Country has right to Think what's Right for them and act Accordingly. ConnecT with Englishwell India WHO(World health organization). WHO is a Acronym of World health organization. And work under United Nations Flagship. WHO established in 1948,and initially it was assigned to take responsibility of Malaria,TB(Tuberculosis) and few more Complicated diseases. Along with above disease,WHO was Much focusing on Women & childre...

You will quit smoking from Now !!100% Sure.

No Smoking By: Englishwell India   ConnecT with            Englishwell India I  had  quitted smoking For 5.5 years completely. ( April 2017-September 2022) Not consumed even a Single ciggererete in These 5.5 years Transition.(2017-2023). But I started again in March 2023.... Now Again comeout of it / overcome From this habit since August 2024. ( August 2024-Till date) Prior than going Ahead just go though following video...And have a Self Reflection. I love smoking...but Maximum 3 ciggereretes In a day it should be. But I was not able to have it upto 3,It becomes 6-8 ciggereretes in a Day and infact more most of Days. I think quitting is only option. I said Let me try once more. And gracefully almighties grace Come out of it. From 10th september 2024 Finally I Quit smoking. No Smoking! After having a look on Attached video. Just think..... about Following queries. 1.Have you planned to Quit smoking from the 1st day of  New year ? 2.New y...

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